The New Testament records unexpected, unlikely physical events forming bookends of the earthly life of Jesus. If these were actual historical events, would there be evidence? Can we identify such evidence 2,000 years later?
What evidence exists?
That’s the fundamental question and endeavor behind two film projects. Our first film foray investigated the first event. It resulted in the DVD “The Star of Bethlehem.” A roaring success. Now we’re moving to the second event. Instead of looking up to the heavens, we’re looking down at the earth. The Christ Quake is a geophysical investigation. And it, too, is proving hugely exciting!
We’re inviting you to get in on the ground floor of this exciting project, helping to make it a reality and influencing thousands of lives through its success.
The Goal
We hope to amaze you, perhaps blow you away with fresh revelations deep within a story you thought you knew.
You, your friends, your family, your coworkers will join a journey of eye-witness discovery. Nature is grinding away the evidence at this moment. But, before the traces are erased, we will document a stunning story for the eyes of the world. We’ll examine mysteries sometimes thought sacrosanct, beyond inquiry. If we do our job right, the rocks will “cry out.” They will give stony witness to the most well-known event in human history.
This film, your film, will entertain, but always from a firm foundation of fact. It’s a real-life adventure, chasing vanishing clues to a pivotal mystery before it is too late. The clock is ticking!
The Money
You’re looking at this website because we need funding to make the film. So, how does that work? Our goal is to raise $350,000 to get the project underway. We’re hoping for a great deal more. The more we have in our budget, the more we can share with you on screen.
Whatever is required of me financially, I will do. Because this story must be told.
You can see we spent a good chunk of savings to make the trailer for you. I have “skin in the game,” as they say. I’m committed to a full-quality production whatever the budget might finally be. Whatever is required of me financially, I will do. Because this story must be told. But we need your generous help to make this film all it can be!
The Reward
We know that those who get involved aren’t doing it for rewards. Not earthly ones, anyway. As an investor in the project, you want to empower a project that will have a worldwide impact. At the same time we believe that those who do support the project deserve a little something in return for their involvement. We’ve set up a series of exciting rewards in return for your support.
Hi Rick:
I am photographer in the Cleveland, Ohio area and director of praise music at my church (Faith United Methodist, in Twinsburg, Ohio) and I have seen the Bethlehem Star Project twice. The first time was last year at Christmas as a two week Sunday School study. The second, was a presentation on December 17th of this year for our congregation which was well attended, as our church goes. The Star project changed a lot of the way I thought about Christmas and even Easter. I was literally astounded.
I am VERY excited about the Christ Quake project. I would very much like to be involved at some level and am going to be praying over the next few weeks as to how I can best take part. God Bless you for your efforts; Truly the mission is God commissioned.
I look forward to the possibility of working with you in the future.
In Him,
I have seen a documentary seeing the different places in the Holy Land connected to Jesus. It was called Path of the Messiah which was aired on EWTN. It airs every Christmas and Easter. It goes from His Conception to Ascencion. When it shows the actual Church- The Church of the Holy Sepulcher where Calvary is- they go to the side to show the epicenter and the crack under underneath Calvary. It was sceintifically proven to be the epicenter. Might help you. God bless you.
First of all, Jesus wasn’t crucified on a cross, see Acts 5:30, Acts 10:39, Acts 13:29, Gal. 3:13, 1Peter 2:24. And as for those people that are waiting for the second coming of Jesus, they
need to read Matt. 16:28. Gads, the ignorance of some people.
“Gads, the ignorance of some people.”
So true.
Ignorance is right, but more so on your part….Hanged on a tree was just another way of saying crucified on a cross – a very common and well documented punishment the Romans used in those days. Offenders were stretched out and hanged in a most painful manner on a wooden cross – made from a tree, of course.
Matthew 16:28 is said to refer to the fall of Jerusalem 40 years later, part of many prophecies that were fulfilled, and John was one who most definitely was still living at the time this took place.
When you’ve completed your degree in theology and bible study and have stopped taking verses out of context and without adequate cross reference and study, maybe you can make more intelligent comments on biblical matters instead of trying to ridicule things you don’t understand, or create doubt out of your own insecurities. If you don’t believe in God, you shouldn’t feel so threatened by those who do, and if that’s the case, you are on a pointless mission. I suspect you are atheist with an agenda to create divide among believers, but you should know that atheism is steadily declining throughout the world – particularly in Russia, China and Africa. In the former Soviet Union alone, Christianity has almost doubled from 38% to 71% since 1970. Yet atheism is down from 4.5% in 1970 to a mere 2% now – that is of the entire WORLD’s population. By 2020 it’s estimated to shrink to 1.8%. People know what the true is deep in their souls because God placed it there, and they either embrace it, or run from it in fear and shame. I will pray for you. In the meantime, maybe do some reading on C.S Lewis, or Lee Strobel – both “recovering” atheists. Peace to you. :o)
A proper translation of the Greek word, xylon, is wood. This is the same word that is used in Mat 26:47, 55; Mark 14:43,48; and Luke 22:52 where it is translated as clubs. In 1 Cor 3:12 the same word is used as wood for a building material.
I though the research for the Star of Bethlehem movie was outstanding and I enjoyed the film very much. I’m excited to see if something major happens in Israel the next two years if what I’ve heard about the Four Blood Moons coming in 2014 and 2015, which take place on Jewish festivals is true.
A book named Earthquake Resurrection explains the Earthquake that no doubt took place around the cross actually happened during the Resurrection, three days after the cross. David Lowe is the author, he brings up some impressive points.
Good luck with this film, I will plan on setting aside something to contribute to the efforts in making it.
In Christ,
Craig B.
Rick, how are you?
Is there any news?
Hope to have more news soon!
I am very disappointed to find this great misunderstanding of the word of GOD regarding
the cross and tree of the way Christ was murdered and agree with Sam that tree and cross are used to describe the same thing. So please be very careful how you insult the intelligence and knowledge of others who know and have dedicated their lives to God and especially when you want the financial help of those of us have seen and been blessed by the Star of Bethlehem.
Yes! we are all entitled to our point of view. But please show some respect.
May God bless you all.
Brother Rick:
Just watched The Star of Bethlehem today for the very first time after getting a link to it on YouTube. Thank you so very much for producing something so wonderful that I sat and gave glory and thanks to God at points as I watched it.
I am a Christian Jew and marvel at all the scientific evidence God is revealing to so many in these Last Days. I plan to watch this several more times and share the link with many other Christians I know here in Gainesville, FL and throughout the USA, Israel and the world.
This has to be one of the very best documentaries I have ever seen and I admire your intensity and thoroughness in putting this together. I am in the legal field as well and this video meets all the rules of evidence for credibility in any courtroom setting or jury trial.
May God bless you richly in all that you say and do for all the days of your life, even with the blessings of the tribes of Asher and Joseph. I can give you no greater blessing than that.
I bid you Godspeed in all that lies before you to fulfill God’s Will in your life.
I was given a copy of the Bethlehem Star DVD a week ago. What a wonderful insight into the timing of the birth and death of Jesus, and confirmation of scripture.
I wanted to view the Christquake trailer but it would not display on my system. So I do not know excactly what you are wanting to research.
Can you email me a working copy of the trailer?
Unfortunately, there is no money as yet to provide other video formats. You’ll need to bring your system a little more current.
Hello from England, Rick.
I will certainly contribute to your new project. Is it investigating The flood of Noah ?
For the last few years at the Christmas season I have bought several copies of ‘The Star of Bethlehem’ DVD and given them away. At first it was to family and friends and then I felt an urgency to reach more people, so I gave them out in the street. I pray that those who received them have been affected, as I was, to want to tell everyone about what God has done for us. It’s all there if we just look.
Dear Rick, An excellent DVD, The Star. Would you please consider: the crucifixion was on a Wednesday, to fulfil the prophecy of 3 days and 3 nights in the earth (Mt. 12:39,40), the only sign given to that generation. There were 2 sabbaths that week. Wednesday night began Passover, (the lamb having been killed that day), with the Thursday the festival day, being the High Sabbath (Jn. 19:31; Lev.23:5-8), celebrating their deliverance from Egypt. Friday was a shopping day so that the women could purchase the spices (Mk. 16:1). The resurrection was on Saturday night. I researched this many, many years ago, before internet, software and all that good stuff, and arrived at 31AD. Was there a blood moon and earthquake at Passover that year? I’m 78 and don’t remember the reference books I used. Jesus’ ministry was for one year, a lamb of the first year (Ex. 12:5), in 30AD, allowing the 40 year grace period before the fulfillment of Mt. 24, confirming the end of the old covenant. Thank you for your time, Daphne.
Hello, Daphne! I am familiar with the issues you raise. Please see the several articles in the FAQ at bethlehemstar.net that bear on these.
Dear Rick, the bethlemstar.net site appears to be down at the moment. I’ve called other people to see if they can access it and everyone is getting an error code 403. Maybe you’re already aware of it or are doing maintenance, but I wanted to alert you in case you were unaware.
Praying for God to not only bless the Christ Quake project to reach the needed fundraising goal, but that He will also bless it to produce much fruit in the lives of the audience. One of my favorite things in the Star of Bethlehem is being able to use it as an evangelistic tool for friends who are skeptical about the reliability of the Bible.
Daphne, there is several problems with your theory: If Friday was a shopping day, then why didn’t the Mary’s just go to the tomb Friday morning after their shopping…why wait for the body to decay even more? Why wait for the 1st day of the week?
Also, Nissan 15 (Passover) fell on a Tuesday in the year 31 A.D. (from Sundown Monday to Sundown Tuesday ) on March 27. The “High Sabbath” was on a Tuesday. And, even if Jesus died on Wednesday, then why were the soldiers still at the tomb on Sunday Morning….the 4th day? The High Priest requested soldiers at the tomb for 3 days…. 72 hours from Wednesday evening is Saturday evening…..they soldier would have split by Saturday evening.
Jesus died on April 3rd, 33 A.D…..it’s the only date that fits. Nissan 15 (Passover) fell on the 7th day of the week. The Mary’s went and bought spices once the Sunset on the 7th day of the week…….they waited until daylight the next morning to put spices around the body…..that was the 1st day of the week.
Dear Rick, I just got done watching “The Star of Bethlehem.” I am just as much impressed as when I watched it a couple years ago. I am curious too know if you have done any research into the upcoming four blood moons that are supposed to take place in 2014 and 2015. Some people think that this could be a very pivotal time for the nation of Israel and the world. Your new project appears to be very interesting. I ask the LORD to richly bless you in all your endeavors!
Hey, David. The best summary of Mark Biltz’s work that I have seen is here: http://www.bibledefended.com/prophetical/tetrad.html
I met with Mark for prayer this morning, as he is headed into a period of media frenzy.
Thank you for the Star of Bethlehem. As a fellow attorney, I could appreciate your painstaking presentation of the evidence. I am curious what you have to say about the coming four blood moons.
I very much look forward to Christ Quake and will pray that God will bless your project if it be His will.
Thanks, Amy! Working on Quake, which is about to hit $150K donated for production. The go-to guy on the tetrads is Mark Biltz. He joined my weekly prayer team this morning so that we could pray for him as he heads into a period of heavy media coverage. One of the best concise discussions of the tetrads I know is here: http://www.bibledefended.com/prophetical/tetrad.html
So, is Quake still very much in the works?
YES. Very much so.
Very excited to see the finished project!!
Rick, have you (or had you) considered using a more mainstream crowdfunding platform (i.e. Kickstarter) to fund this film and your research? It may be easier for us (your “fanbase”) to drive more traffic to the project if it was hosted in a more recognizable/familiar web location.
(Perhaps you already have reasons for *not* doing that.)
In any case, all the best and Godspeed!
Kickstarter is where we started, but they will not allow large donations. When they killed a $100K matching grant, I started my own site.
Dear Rick,
Just found this website and want to say how much I have enjoyed watching the Star of Bethlehem over and over during the past few years. The DVD makes for a great Christmas gift for family and co-workers. I had wondered if you were working on anything else and was excited to learn of the ChristQuake project. I intend to make a small donation soon to help the cause of using Scripture in revealing God’s fingerprints left on specific acts of nature.
May God bless your work,
Hi Rick,
Your analysis of the star of Bethlehem is compelling, thought provoking and consciencelessly executed. I believe truth to be attainable and I look forward to seeing the fruition of your upcoming project.
I would be interested in assisting you in the development of your projects. I am an Imax filmmaker (camera operator and project developer). I designed and developed my own 2d/3d Imax format film camera – for motion control time-lapse. Over the years I have attempted to develop some Biblically themed Imax film projects on Noah’s ark and the Exodus. The projects would incorporate a unique element of time-lapse captured in the large format.
It would be good to talk to you.
Filipe: please contact me at ricklarson@mail.com. But realize that I am SWAMPED. I will get back when I can. IMAX could be useful at some point. It has certainly been considered, but to date, my projects have very small budgets that are inconsistent with IMAX costs.
God bless you and thank you for the work you are doing.
Does purchasing multiple DVD copies of Star of Bethlehem contribute to the production of the Christ Quake video? I have been utilizing Star of Bethlehem DVDs for evangelizing. If so, I will be purchasing more copies soon.
In Him,
Soli Deo Gloria
Hi Mr. Larson,
Is this project still in the making? It looks like 8 months have passed since anyone has posted here. I noticed the same thing on your Star of Bethlehem website. Are the figures posted regarding fundraising for your Christ-quake project current? Thanks- J.J
Hey Mr. Rick i was wandering if I could still donate? And thank you for making “Star of Bethlehem” we’ve watched it at our church 2 times and really enjoyed learning more about the star, Jesus and Christmas.
God bless and thank you
Praying for you and your team! Please tell your wife [saw her youtube promo 1st time today!] the music used for the trailer is beautiful and sooo fitting to the scenery. Looking forward to the project’s completion. soli deo gloria!
Gods Blessings,
Are there any updates on the status of this project?
Eagerly and patiently awaiting.
Hi Rick,
Was excited to learn about this new project. Noticed no comments or updates since the end of 2014. Any updates? How is the research going? Have you had to delay for some time?
Curious to know.
Hi Rick!
I am anxiously waiting for the Christquake to come out. Any idea when the tentative date will be? I bought the star dvd and also can’t wait to purchase this one as well.
Blessings to you!
Ditto on the above comments.
See posts at https://www.facebook.com/bethlehemstar
I’m not worried about the completion of the project, although I sure would like to see it. Having noticed the long time since you posted I hope you are in good health, my prayers and the prayers of my family are with you. Please let us know as we would place you on our church’s prayer chain should you be in need. We appreciate everything you have done to glorify the Lord with your “Star of Bethlehem” project.
What has happened so far with your project? The donation link is broken on this site. Has your research been discontinued?
Hi Rick,
Loved Star of Bethlehem DVD. I’m wondering if you have looked at Sept 23, 2017 as the return of the Messiah in conjunction with Rev 12:1? Apparently, this same description of the woman clothed with the sun and giving birth is to be played out in the heavens on that day. There is a lot of buzz on UTube about the Fall Feasts and what they have to do with Messiah’s return, I’d be interested to know your thoughts on this. Praise God for His signs that we may see His Word being fulfilled and rejoice because our redemption draweth nigh.
I wonder if you are following in the footsteps of Ron Wyatt now… If so, I can imagine the reason this is taking much time. My God protect and bless you. Shalom!
Hello, I first heard about the project nearly 1 year ago. I was wondering if there was any kind of update since the last one I saw was nearly 3 years ago.